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WordPress hosting: a reliable option, best choice and security first.

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WordPress hosting: a reliable option, best choice and security first.

WordPress hosting: a reliable option, best choice and security first.

The internet is powered mostly by WordPress. With its popularity and ease of use, agencies, designers, or solo freelancers often tend to reach for WordPress when delivering websites to their customers. Its ease of use also makes it a first choice. People with less technical orientation can still manage contents easily by adding, editing, updating or deleting. 

WordPress makes it easy to build e-commerce powered websites, blogging websites, showcase, agency, file exchange and a rainbow of use cases. With its theming functionality, it is even easier to build and deploy the website. The themes directories have both free and paid themes with which a designer or developer can just simply use and modify the look like colours, logo, and placement of some blocks. 

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With all these facilities, the last stack to complete the ease of building a website is hosting. Hosting is all about making your website available to the public 24/7 through a domain name.  

At Hey Agency, we have taken the hosting service seriously by making the WordPress powerful and affordable for everyone. 

Hosting a website is almost instant. We take off the heavy lifting of setting up the environment and all you have to do is upload your files. Whether you have built the website offline or will be building directly on the server, you have nothing to worry about as everything has already been done for you.

Talking about the goodies we provide on our different WordPress hosting packages, we have an inexhaustible list of options we can present to you. On this post, and to save the reading time, we are going to talk about reliability, why host with us, and security first.


Our hosting service runs with an uptime of 99.999% on the most reliable hardware made up of the latest industry standards.

Our autoscaling feature makes your website to run on multiple servers if there is a need for more resources. The autoscaling is instant and depends largely on the demand of your website. Your website has access to the entire hosting platform and do not live on a single server unlike some competitors' approach.

Our load balancers are different. Running on a network of high bandwidth of more than 10Gb network, your website remains fast and whatever happens, you cannot be offline. 

Choice :

No setup required when launching your website. Everything is being done for you.

Our WordPress hosting comes with a built-in cache plugin developed just to boost your website. This, along with a global CDN serving your website from different locations around the world.

Our WordPress Manager enables you to manage your themes, plugins, users, and other settings right from the hosting dashboard. You can activate a theme, disable a plugin, add a user and have a one-click WordPress update and much more with no need to log into your WordPress dashboard. 

Our WordPress staging is mind-blowing. Two versions of your site to enable you release features when you complete them by leveraging the staging environment.


We have a free SSL certificate for each of your WordPress website you host with us.

Auto HTTPS is enabled automatically to force serve your website on a secure protocol.

Your WordPress website runs on the latest and stable version of PHP with the option to switch versions if you want.

DDoS protection is carried out on your WordPress website. All bad traffic are routed away and real ones are accepted. 

Our firewall blocks every suspected activity coming to your WordPress website thereby protecting your data and software.

The Automatic malware scan on our Hey hosting platform  runs on your WordPress website daily and provides reports on the health of your website. You can re-scan any time of the day as it pleases you with our malware scan tool.

You can benefit from these and a lot more by hosting your WordPress websites with us today. You can also keep an eye on our different giveaways, promotions, Black Fridays to our customers. Host with us today at an affordable rate.


Abdel Ramadan